Our vision

We believe that innovators can grow faster with Business Continuity.

Our Mission

To offer comfortable and flexible work spaces that provide business continuity through smart, reliable technology.

Nothing should stop you from growing, and at the Blue Building, we believe that all of your needs are readily met with turnkey solutions.

our values

We are committed to providing a building that you can fully rely on 24/7, so that you can concentrate on growing your business to the fullest.

We believe that by creating a comfortable experience for our tenants and their guests, incorporated with technology at it’s simplicity, your business will grow.

executive offices

Setup a satellite office or set the foundation to your headquarters.

Unique location

Save the traffic jam with possible entries from Miami Lakes (I-75) and Palmetto 826 Expressway.

Luxury tech Building

Our Class A Office Space is designed with 5-Star amenities, server & rack spaces for a cloud-proof business.

We Keep It Simple

Choose a space from any of our 6 floor offices for lease.  Flexible month-to-month and yearly agreements available.

Our story

We Believe In Flexibility.

When we created the Blue Building in 2007, we wanted to build more than just a beautiful luxury building.  

We wanted to create a community of professionals that can join as individuals or companies.  

A place where technology and disaster redundancy was available so that your office never stops working.

We created offices that are turnkey ready so that you can start working from day 1, without ever wasting any time.


Consulting IT Support


Help Desk IT Support


Help desk or remote support
This service allows companies to outsource IT functions or tasks, which will make this function an efficient service and support channel for your organization.

We work for them

we work for them

Are you ready to grow your business to the next level?

let's start together.